Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Resolution Towards Your Resolutions

It’s a well-known tradition to make a resolution going into the New Year. A resolution, by definition, is “a course of action determined or decided upon; a firm determination or resolve”. While I am not against resolutions, I am against waiting until New Years to make any (but don't not make any on New Year's either!) Having said that, I do want to encourage anyone reading this to make a resolution in regards to your resolutions with me.

Resolutions by nature initiate change where change is honestly needed. We have all made them (whether we know it or not). In fact, our culture is full of people who gladly sign the proverbial dotted-line during this time of year on a new resolution that they hope will fulfill their expectations of a “better life”. Those resolutions consist of everything from working out more in order to shave off a few unwanted pounds, to spending more time with family and friends.

Many of the common resolutions people make in light of creating a “better life” for themselves can be great things, and I’m not here to tell anyone to stop making them. Today I simply want to challenge you to approach this year of resolutions differently: Let’s not make today about a resolution that will fulfill our expectations for a “better life”; instead let us resolve ourselves to make a year’s worth of resolutions based upon God’s expectations for a surrendered life. After all, Jesus did not come to give us a “better life” according to our expectations, but rather to exemplify the surrendered life according to His Father’s expectations.
“...the Son can do nothing of His own accord, but only what He sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise.” (Jn. 5:19)
“I seek not my own will, but the will of Him who sent me.” (Jn. 5:30)
“…for I always do the things that are pleasing to Him [the Father].” (Jn. 8:29)

Here are the first of my resolutions for 2013:
  • To pursue God beyond any pursuit of Him I have had in the past.
  • To make room for an insatiable hunger for His presence moment by moment.
  • To never make excuses for powerlessness in my life.
We have been given life in order that we would bear the image of the Eternal God. This year I want my resolutions to be motivated to that end. I hope you do too!

Be Blessed!

(If you have any resolutions that you want to share, please post them below in the comments section. I would love to hear and be inspired by any resolutions that you have made!)


  1. to love more and to prophecy more...gotta continue in the call of God on my life

  2. I. LOVE. THIS. I'm going to be going over some of this stuff in regards to resolutions with our discipleship girls. I'm really really inspired by the chapter I just read in our "Gospel Coach" book, and I'm going to implement this daily and plot it out in writing and take it so seriously! Because God takes me seriously! xo - Kimberly

  3. To keep fighting the good fight!! Having went to the One Thing conference many things inspired me to draw closer to God. Many days I feel tired, lazy, etc but none of that should hinder me from drawing closer to my Father!! He has overcome everything and he did not make any excuses to die for me! One thing that I know will help me if I feel tired, down, or just not "feeling" his presence we can simply say "Lord I set my heart to look upon you" and keep saying that until we get back on track. I actually felt tired at the conference and was sad that I didn't feel that I was seeking him at times, even though I was. So, when Allen Hood said this statement above I tried it out right away and IT WORKS.

    Also, the children inspired me at the conference. There was this one child particularly confined to a wheel chair and seemed to have some type of autism or something but I have never seen so much joy and innocence in a child going through all of those things. He sung every word to the songs, raised his hands in the air and was smiling spinning his wheelchair in circles. It melted my heart to know that no matter what his circumstances, his heart was fully fixed on Jesus and he was enjoying every single second of it.

    My resolution is to consistently set my heart upon the Lord and to spend hours seeking him especially since it is winter break and I have no school right now. I know the Lord has great things in store for me, I don't know what they are but I will never find out if I don't keep seeking him. -Rachel
