"As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you." (Jn. 20:21)
There is no doubt that this statement of Jesus' has profound ramifications. The problem is that I had never really considered them before. Maybe you are in the same boat? Well sit back and allow me to share some thoughts!
Just a short time before Jesus left His disciples on their own he dropped this statement on them. Now for sure Jesus had dropped plenty of other mind-blowing statements on them, but I believe that this one may have set in with even more force than any prior to it. Was it because it was it was coming from their newly resurrected friend? Perhaps. Was it because it was immediately followed by them receiving the indwelling Spirit for the first time? Likely. Was it because the reality of their divine destiny just became that much clearer? Also very likely.
To tell you the truth, every one of these reasons (not to mention countless others) probably made this statement pierce the hearts of the disciples. And the fact is that this statement ought to pierce our hearts in similar fashion. In the same way that Jesus was sent by His Father, we have also been sent. Humbled.. Privileged.... Responsible........ All words that came rushing to my mind as I pondered the implications that I have become a co-laborer with Christ in His mission to:
- Seek and to save the lost (Lk. 19:10)
- Destroy the works of the Devil (1 Jn. 3:8)
- Reveal the Father (Mt. 11:27)
- Proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom (Mt. 4:23)
- Heal the sick (Mt. 4:23, Mt. 10:8)
- Raise the dead (Mt. 10:8)
- Cast out Demons (Mt. 10:8)
- Make Disciples (Mt. 28:18-20)
- Forgive people of their sin (Jn. 20:23, 2 Cor. 5:19)
- Testify to the truth (Jn. 18:37)
- Serve (Mt. 20:28)
(This list is by no means comprehensive; it is just a sampling of verses that I considered during the short time I wrote this. Any more that you can think of would help me to expound on this topic and would be greatly appreciated! Please put them in the comments section below.)
Now to be sure, His work is unrepeatable (Heb. 9:26) - but His works are meant to be repeated and even amplified (Jn. 14:12). For all who have put their faith in Christ: We have been welcomed into a partnership with God (2 Cor. 6:1) that is beyond the ability for words to fully describe. This is an important element of our divine destiny that we must surrender to - In the same way that Jesus was sent, so are we.
We have both the privilege and the responsibility to bear fruit for God. This fruit would be impossible to bear except for one fact: we have been given the Spirit of the resurrected Christ - He lives in us and through us (Col. 1:27, Gal. 2:20). The impossible has become possible. There are no longer any viable excuses. With Jesus' words in Jn. 20:21-22, all who have been born-again into a living hope are left with no other options but to partner with the God of the impossible. That is good news!
Be Blessed!
Super awesome sweetie!!! I'm really pumped to do this stuff! Above, you asked for suggestions to add on to the list of things we are called to do as His heirs and servants. Consider Matt. 7:22-23: I would add "to know Him," before and through the uptaking of these feats for Him. Otherwise, we can do all these things, and for naught. xo!