Sunday, February 5, 2012

6 Revelations About Revelation

No, not the book of Revelation. I'm talking about revelation given by the Spirit - where God reveals God to you.

1. Revelation is Information with Power.
            *One of the differences between revelation and information is sensation. I don’t ever recall receiving revelation                 about God and not feeling that inner burning on my heart (Luke 24:32). When God reveals God to you, the                         inner burning of the heart will be present.

2. The Spirit of Revelation (Eph. 1:17) operates in 2 primary ways:
            *To reveal God to an individual (as mentioned above).
            *To reveal God through an individual (Eph. 3:9).
                        -When listening to someone teach about God, two people can hear the exact same thing – for one it is just                           mere information, while for the other it is revelation from God. What is received depends wholly on the                               heart posture in the hearers. Receiving from the Spirit of Revelation operating in someone else requires a                           humble heart in you.

2. Revelation is always meant to be a “light-bulb” moment.
            *The root word in revelation is “reveal”. Basically, what once was hidden is now brought to light (Eph. 3:9), or                   found (Pv. 25:2). God gets great glory by concealing things about Himself. And He says it is our glory to search               those things out. He longs to be pursued in the same way He has pursued us. What are you waiting for?

4. Meditation is the pathway to revelation.
            *The heart posture of meditation involves both waiting and trusting.
                        -Trusting without waiting = striving (Ps. 46:10).
                        -Waiting without trusting = worrying (Phil. 4:6-7).
                        -Trusting and Waiting = Peace (1 Cor. 14:33). And peace is your greatest clarity.           
5. Everyone has equal access to revelation in the Word of God.
            *The bible makes it clear that we do not have because we do not ask (Js. 4:2). If you are willing to ask for                             revelation, then you must also expect to receive revelation. This is an element of walking by faith (2 Cor. 5:7).                   God wants to reveal Himself - and He promises to do just that for those who seek Him with their whole heart                   (Jer. 29:13, Mt. 5:6)!

6. Revelation is rooted in love.
            *Because revelation is rooted in love, it builds up the hearer. Mere Information, on the other hand, is rooted in                   knowledge - which puffs up the one who speaks. God always speaks with love, from a place of revelation.                           Today’s teachers should do the same.

Be Blessed!

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