Thursday, January 19, 2012

Let's Go!

I have been encouraged by a number of Godly men to start writing more, so I have decided to give it a shot.

The way I write - really slowly - is pretty much the exact opposite of the way I oftentimes talk - at a pretty good clip! Therefore, it is my goal to actually give some quality time to making sure I put up thoughts that are worthy to be read. I hope that the things I write come across as genuine and follow on the heals of sincere meditation on the Word of God. 

A word about the title of the blog ("..Firmly Fixed in the Heavens"): The title comes from Ps. 119:89. The full verse reads "Forever, O Lord, Your Word is firmly fixed in the heavens." Thats an encouraging thing - to know that God's Word is sure and worthy to be trusted. And because of this, I want His Word to also be firmly fixed in my heart, producing a life of overflow that would bring the Kingdom of God through my life. The indwelling Holy Spirit makes this 100% possible for any of us who are in Christ - all it takes is a moment by moment willingness on our part. It's called walking by Faith.

Thanks in advance for reading anything I write. Please feel free to respond to any of my posts - I look forward to any comments that you have.

Be Blessed!

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